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Czech Republic Kutna Hora - is a city in the Central Bohemian Region

Кутна-Гора - город в Чехии, в Центральной Богемии, в Средне-Чешском крае. Расположен в 60 км к востоку от Праги, на плато Кутна-Гора на высоте 254 м над уровнем моря. Население — 21,1 тысяч жителей (2005). Стеклодувный завод, пивное производство, табачная фабрика Philip Morris. Город основан в первой половине XIII века. Центр средневековой серебродобывающей индустрии (в XIII веке рудники города давали треть общеевропейской добычи серебра), благодаря чему город был вторым по богатству в Чешском королевстве. Именно рудники и стали причиной образования первых горняцких поселков, один из которых получил название «Cuthna Antiqua», что означает «старая монашеская ряса». Один из монахов, по преданию, заснул на соседнем холме, а во сне увидел серебряные слитки. Проснувшись, он действительно обнаружил их в указанном во сне месте и накрыл это место своей рясой. Кутна-Гора стала местом первой в Европе «серебряной лихорадки». Вокруг шахт появилось хаотическое нагромождение лачуг, трактиров, бань, лавок и т. п. Затем разроненные поселки объединились, и Кутна-Гора обрела привилегии королевского города. Была сильно разрушена во времена гуситских войн. Из-за истощения руд к середине XVI в. город пришел в упадок.


Kutna Hora - is a city in Bohemia, now the Czech Republic in the Central Bohemian Region. The town began in 1142 with the settlement of the first Cistercian Monastery in Bohemia, Kloster Sedlitz, brought from the reichsunmittelbar Cistercian Imperial Waldsassen Abbey. By 1260 German miners began to mine for silver in the mountain region, which they named Kuttenberg, and which was part of the monastery property. The name of the mountain is said to have derived from the monks' cowls (the Kutten). Under Abbot Heinrich Heidenreich the territory greatly advanced due to the silver mines which gained importance during the economic boom of the 13th century. The earliest traces of silver have been found dating back to the 10th century, when Bohemia already had been in the crossroads of long-distance trade for many centuries. Silver dinars have been discovered belonging to the period between 982-995 in the settlement of Malín, which is now a part of Kutná Hora. From the 13th to 16th centuries the city competed with Prague economically, culturally and politically. Since 1995 the city center has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

In 1300 when King Wenceslaus II of Bohemia issued the new royal mining code Ius regale montanorum. This was a legal document that specified all administrative as well as technical terms and conditions necessary for the operation of mines. The city developed with great rapidity, and at the outbreak of the Hussite Wars in 1419 was next to Prague the most important in Bohemia, having become the favourite residence of several Bohemian kings. It was here that, on January 18, 1409, Wenceslaus IV signed the famous Decree of Kutná Hora, by which the Czech university nation was given three votes in the elections to the faculty of Prague University as against one for the three other nations. In 1420 Emperor Sigismund made the city the base for his unsuccessful attack on the Taborites during the Hussite Wars; Kuttenberg (Kutná Hora) was taken by Jan Žižka, and after a temporary reconciliation of the warring parties was burned by the imperial troops in 1422, to prevent its falling again into the hands of the Taborites. Žižka nonetheless took the place, and under Bohemian auspices it awoke to a new period of prosperity.

Along with the rest of Bohemia, Kuttenberg (Kutná Hora) passed to the Habsburg Monarchy of Austria in 1526. In 1546 the richest mine was hopelessly flooded; in the insurrection of Bohemia against Ferdinand I the city lost all its privileges; repeated visitations of the plague and the horrors of the Thirty Years' War completed its ruin. Half-hearted attempts after the peace to repair the ruined mines failed; the town became impoverished, and in 1770 was devastated by fire. The mines were abandoned at the end of the 18th century. At Kuttenberg (Kutna Hora) Prague groschen were minted until 1547. Kuttenberg became part of the Austrian Empire in 1806 and the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1866. The city became part of Czechoslovakia after World War I and the collapse of Austria-Hungary. Kutná Hora was incorporated into the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia by Nazi Germany from 1939-1945, but was restored to Czechoslovakia after World War II. The city became part of the Czech Republic in 1993 during the dissolution of Czechoslovakia.