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Czech Republic Usti nad Labem city Mirove square

Усти-над-Лабем - город на севере Чехии, у впадения Билины в Лабу, административный центр Устецкого края. Важный железнодорожный узел (магистраль Прага — Дрезден — Берлин и др.) и речной порт. Население 98,9 тысяч жителей (2009; Усти — девятый по численности населения город Чехии). Площадь 93,9 км?. Делится на 4 городских района: Нештемице (Nestemice), Северни-Тераса (Severni Terasa), Стршеков (Strekov), Центрум (Centrum). Поселение на месте Усти известно с 993 года. Город был основан Пржемыслом Отакаром II в конце XIII века. В 1423 император Сигизмунд передал город Фридриху I Мейсенскому. В Усти обосновался саксонский гарнизон. 16 июня 1426 25-тысячная армия гуситов нанесла при Усти поражение 75-тысячной немецкой армии. На следующий день гуситы под руководством Прокопа Великого ворвались в город, убивали немецкое население и разрушили город. Усти был отстроен только в 1429 г. Под Якубком Вржешовицким победители и побеждённые продолжали жить мирно. Город пострадал также во время Тридцатилетней и Семилетней войн. В XIX веке Усти стал важным центром горнодобывающей промышленности. Город был одним из центров раннего национал-социализма; в Усти напечатаны многие теоретические работы нацистов. Значительная часть немецкого населения города погибла во время Второй мировой войны, находясь в рядах германской армии. Усти сильно пострадал от бомбардировок в апреле 1945. В 1946—1948 почти всё немецкое население (около 53 тыс. чел.) было выселено из города, многие были расстреляны без суда и следствия (Устицкий расстрел).


Usti nad Labem - is a city of the Czech Republic, in the Usti nad Labem Region. The city is the 7th-most populous in the country. Usti is situated in a mountainous district at the confluence of the Bilina and the Elbe (Labe) Rivers, and, besides being an active river port, is an important railway junction. It is the birthplace of the painter Anton Raphael Mengs. Usti nad Labem was mentioned as a trading centre as early as 993. The city was founded by King Otakar II of Bohemia in the latter part of the 13th century. In 1423 it was pledged by Emperor Sigismund to Elector Frederick I of Mei?en, who occupied it with a Saxon garrison. In 1426 it was besieged by the Hussites, who on June 16, 1426, though only 25,000 strong, defeated with great slaughter a German army of 70,000 which had been sent to its relief; the town was stormed and sacked the next day. After lying waste for three years, it was rebuilt in 1429. It suffered much during the Thirty Years' War and Seven Years' War.

Not far from Usti is the village of Chlumec, where, on August 29-August 30, 1813, a battle took place between the French Empire under Vandamme and an allied army of Austrians, Prussians, and Russians. The French were defeated and Vandamme surrendered with his army of 10,000 men. During the 19th century the city became heavily industrialized and due to the large-scale immigration the number of inhabitants grew from 2,000 to over 40,000 making Usti one of the biggest cities in Bohemia. Mining, chemical industry and river transport were its most important assets. The local river port became the busiest one in the whole Austro-Hungarian Empire surpassing the seaport in Trieste. Nowadays it is the industrial city with chemical establishments, metallurgy manufacture, machinetool industries, textiles and nutriment industry.

Usti was a center of early German National Socialism. On November 15, 1903, the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei in Osterreich ("German Workers' Party in Austria") was formed; it would become the basis for the Sudeten German National Socialist Party and Austrian National Socialism. Much of their literature and books were printed in Usti. From April 17 to April 19, 1945 the city was bombed by the Allied Forces and over 500 people lost their lives. On July 31, 1945, the Usti Massacre against German civilians occurred. In 1945 and 1946, over 53,000 ethnic Germans were expelled from the area. Emigrants from the Soviet Union, Slovakia, and Romania settled in the city, among them many Roma and Sinti. During the 1970s-1980s large numbers of panelaks were constructed in Usti. After the fall of communism in Czechoslovakia in the Velvet Revolution of 1989, the city's heavy industry suffered economic troubles. The Strekov castle is located in a southern suburb of the city. Usti is a center for tourism owing to the romantic landscape of the Bohemian Highlands (Ceske stredohori) and the Ceske Svycarsko national park.