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Пльзень четвёртый город по величине в Чехии. Административный центр Пльзенского края и района Пльзень-город. Также в Пльзене размещаются административные органы районов Пльзень-север и Пльзень-юг. Пльзень находится в месте слияния четырёх рек (Мже, Радбуза, Углава и Услава), которые образуют реку Бероунка. Основан около 1292 чешским королём Вацлавом II. В 1419 — один из основных центров гуситов. Пльзень - промышленный, коммерческий, культурный и административный центр Западной Богемии. Центр пивоварения. Пльзень обязательно включается в маршруты пивных туров. Город строился в 10 км от посёлка Старый Пльзенец, сразу как город. Королевский замок Радине на высоком холме нависает над городом, хотя и расположен почти в 10 километрах от него. Город не вырос на месте поселения или городища, а был построен по королевскому указу на равнине. По разработанному плану, город был разбит на кварталы с огромной центральной площадью, самой большой в Западной Европе. Улицы Пльзеня пересекались в старом городе исключительно под прямым углом. Площадь в те годы была не только торговым местом — у площади располагались кладбище, несколько озёр с запасами воды, костёл святого Вартоломея. Особого внимания так же заслуживают Плзеньские исторические подземелья, общая длина которых составляет 24 км.


Plzen is a city in western Bohemia in the Czech Republic. It is the capital of the Plzen Region and the fourth most populous city in the Czech Republic. It is located about 90 km west of Prague at the confluence of four rivers—the Radbuza, the Mze, the Uhlava, and the Uslava—which form the Berounka River. The city is known worldwide for Pilsener beer. Pilsen was in September 2010 selected by an official jury to be put forward to join the Belgian city of Mons as the European capital of culture in 2015. Plzen was first mentioned as a castle in 976, as the scene of a battle between Duke Boleslaus II of Bohemia and Emperor Otto II. It became a town in 1295 when King Wenceslaus II granted Plzen its civic charter as a special "Royal City" and established a new town site, located some 10 km away from the original settlement, which is the current town of Stary Plzenec. It quickly became an important town on trade routes leading to Nuremberg and Regensburg; in the 14th century, it was the third-largest town in Bohemia after Prague and Kutna Hora. During the Hussite Wars, it was the centre of Catholic resistance to the Hussites: Prokop the Great unsuccessfully besieged it three times, and it joined the league of Romanist nobles against King George of Podebrady. In 1468, the town acquired a printing press; the Troyan Chronicle, the first book published in Bohemia, was printed on it. Emperor Rudolf II made Plzen his seat from 1599-1600. During the Thirty Years' War the town was taken by Mansfeld in 1618 after the Siege of Plzen and it was not recaptured by the Imperial troops until 1621. Wallenstein made it his winter quarters in 1633. The town was unsuccessfully besieged by the Swedes in 1637 and 1648. The town and region have been staunchly Catholic despite the Hussite Wars. At the end of the 17th century, the architecture of Plzen began to be influenced by the Baroque style. The city center has been under historic preservation since 1989.

In the second half of the 19th Century Plzen, already an important trade centre for Bohemia, near the Bavarian/German border, began to rapidly industrialise. In 1869 Emil Skoda started up the Skoda Works, which became the most important and influential engineering company in the country and a crucial supplier of arms to the Austro-Hungarian Army. By 1917 the Skoda Works employed over 30,000 workers. The second largest employer in this period was, after 1898, the National Railways train workshop with about 2,000 employees: this was the largest rail repair shop in all Austria-Hungary. Between 1861 and 1877, the Plzen railway junction was completed and in 1899 the first tram line started in the city. This burst of industry had two important effects: the growth of the local Czech (Slavic) population and the urban poor. Before 1860 the town was mostly German-speaking; after 1918 it was mostly Czech speaking. However much of the countryside to the west, north and south of the town continued to speak a local German dialect. Following Czechoslovak independence from Austria-Hungary in 1918 the German-speaking minority in the region hoped to be united with Austria and were unhappy at being included in Czechoslovakia. Many allied themselves to the Nazi cause after 1933, in hopes that perhaps Adolf Hitler might be able to unite them with their German-speaking neighbours. In 1938 Plzen became literally a frontier town, after the creation of the Sudetenland moved the Third Reich borders to the city's outer limits. During the Nazi occupation from 1939 to 1945 the Skoda Works in Pilsen was forced to provide armaments for the Wehrmacht and Czech contributions, particularly in the field of tanks, were noted.

The German-speaking population was forcibly expelled from the city and in fact all of Czechoslovakia after the end of war in 1945, according to provision in the Potsdam agreement. All of their property was confiscated. On May 6, 1945, near end of World War II, Plzen was liberated from Nazi Germany by the 16th Armored Division of General Patton's 3rd Army. Also participating in the liberation of the city were elements of the 97th and 2nd Infantry Divisions. Other Third Army units liberated major portions of Western Bohemia. The rest of Czechoslovakia was liberated from German control by the Soviet Red Army. Elements of Third Army, as well as units from the First Army, remained in Plzen until late November 1945, assisting the Czechs with re-building from the war. After seizing power in 1948, the Communists undertook a systematic campaign to suppress all acknowledgement of the U.S. Army's role in liberating the city and Western Bohemia. This continued until 1989 when the Communists were removed from power. Since 1990, the city of Plzen has organized the annual Liberation Festival, taking place in May, which has already become a local tradition, and has been attended by many American and Allied veterans.

After the Communist takeover of February 1948, the totalitarian, Soviet-oriented Czechoslovak government launched a currency reform in 1953. This decision caused a wave of discontent throughout the society, while the events in Plzen were more intense. On 1 June 1953 over 20,000 people, mainly workers of the Skoda Works began demonstrating against the communist regime. Demonstrators forced their way into the town hall and threw Communist symbols, furniture and other objects out the windows. The demonstration was violently suppressed by the Communist officials.