Франция Мец панорама центра города и реки Мозель                        www.earthtv.com
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France, Metz view of the city centre and the River Moselle

Мец — старинный город на северо-востоке Франции, столица французского региона Лотарингия (с конца Второй мировой войны) и департамента Мозель. Незадолго до римского нашествия здесь находилось главное поселение кельтского племени медиоматриков, которых называли также «меттис». После взятия римлянами на этом месте располагался город Диводур (Divodurum). В 451 году город был взят Аттилой, затем он попал в руки германского племени франков. Между 1180 и 1210 Мец был свободным германским городом. В XVI веке Мец стал французским. С 1871 по 1918 и 1940—1944 Мец входил в состав Германии. И сегодня по архитектуре можно различить «французский» и «немецкий» Мец. В 2009 году в окрестностях Меца снималась передача Первого канала «Большие гонки».


Metz is a city in the northeast of France, capital of the Lorraine region and prefecture of the Moselle department. It is located at the confluence of the Moselle and the Seille rivers. The residents of the city are called Messin(e)(s). Although historically Nancy was the capital of the duchy of Lorraine, Metz was chosen as the capital of the newly created region of Lorraine in the middle of the 20th century. An important Gallo-Roman city, Merovingian capital of the Austrasia kingdom, birthplace of the Carolingian dynasty, and one of the oldest republics of the common era in Europe, Metz possesses a rich history over 3,000 years. Metz is historically from French culture, but because of its location, the city has been largely influenced by close German culture throughout history. Metz is home to a mishmash of architectural layers, witnessing its millennium history at the crossroad of different cultures. Thus, from its Gallo-Roman past, the city conserves vestiges of the thermae (in the basement of Metz's museums), parts of the aqueduct and Saint-Pierre-aux-Nonnains basilica (former Roman gymnasium). The Saint-Louis square with its arcades, where currency changers gathered, remains, with a Knights Templar's chapel, a major symbol of the High Medieval heritage of the city. The Gothic cathedral, churches, Hôtels, and two remarkable municipal granaries are depicting the Late Middle Ages. The Opera-Theater of Metz is a 750-seat opera house on the Petit-Saulcy island. Designed by Jacques Oger and inaugurated in 1752, it is the oldest opera house working in France and one of the last possessing its own costume ateliers. The duke of Belle-Isle described it as "one of the most beautiful France's opera-theater" at his time. The Metz's opera house features annually around sixty performances, including plays, choreographies, and lyric poetry.