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Paris - camera on the roof of the Centre Pompidou

Камера на крыше Центра Pompidou обеспечивает одно из самых прекрасных представлений Парижа


A camera on the roof of the Centre Pompidou provides one of the finest views of Paris and its attractions


Париж — столица Франции, важнейший экономический и культурный центр страны, расположенный в северной части центральной Франции, в регионе Иль-де-Франс на берегах реки Сены. Кроме того, Париж имеет большое международное значение — здесь находятся штаб-квартиры ЮНЕСКО, ОЭСР и Международной торговой палаты. Город расположен в центре Парижского бассейна, примерно 65 м над уровнем моря. Границы жилых кварталов Парижа очерчены кольцевой автодорогой протяжённостью 36 километров. К территории Парижа также относят находящийся к западу от города Булонский лес и расположенный на востоке Венсенский лес. Город был образован в середине III века до н. э. из кельтского поселения Лютеция племени паризиев на месте современного острова Сите. Современное название города происходит от имени этого племени. Первое письменное упоминание о Лютеции встречается в 6-ой книге Юлия Цезаря о войне с Галлией в 53 г до н. э. Три самые известные парижские достопримечательности — это древний Собор Парижской Богоматери, построенный на острове Сите ещё в XII веке, Эйфелева башня и Триумфальная арка — конструкции XIX века. Ажурная металлическая башня, построенная по проекту инженера Эйфеля, задумывалась как временная постройка, служащая входом на Всемирную выставку 1889 года. Но она не только пережила само это мероприятие, но и стала с тех пор истинным символом города. На севере и на юге от неё над линией горизонта возвышаются базилика Сакре-Кёр, построенная на вершине холма Монмартр, и одинокая башня Тур Монпарнас, особенно выделяющаяся на фоне своего «плоского» района


Paris in French, pronounced is the capital and largest city of France. It is situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region (or Paris Region, French: Région parisienne). The Paris Region hosts 38 of the Fortune Global 500 companies in several business districts, notably La Défense, the largest purpose-built business district in Europe. Paris also hosts many international organizations such as UNESCO, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the informal Paris Club. According to the latest survey from Economist Intelligence Unit in 2010, Paris is the world's most expensive city to live in. The earliest archaeological signs of permanent habitation in the Paris area date from around 4200 BC. The Parisii, a sub-tribe of the Celtic Senones, inhabited the area near the river Seine from around 250 BC. The Romans conquered the Paris basin in 52 BC, with a permanent settlement by the end of the same century on the Left Bank Sainte Geneviève Hill and the Île de la Cité. The Gallo-Roman town was originally called Lutetia, but later Gallicised to Lutèce. It expanded greatly over the following centuries, becoming a prosperous city with a forum, palaces, baths, temples, theatres, and an amphitheatre. The collapse of the Roman empire and the fifth-century Germanic invasions sent the city into a period of decline. By 400 AD, Lutèce, by then largely abandoned by its inhabitants, was little more than a garrison town entrenched into the hastily fortified central island. The city reclaimed its original appellation of "Paris" towards the end of the Roman occupation. The Frankish king Clovis I established Paris as his capital in 508. La Défense (straddling the communes of Courbevoie, Puteaux, and Nanterre, 2.5 km (2 mi) west of the city proper) is a key suburb of Paris and is one of the largest business centres in the world. Built at the western end of a westward extension of Paris' historical axis from the Champs-Élysées, La Défense consists mainly of business high-rises. Initiated by the French government in 1958, the district hosts 3,500,000 m2 (37,673,686 sq ft) of offices, making it the largest district in Europe specifically developed for business. The Grande Arche (Great Arch) of la Défense, which houses a part of the French Transports Minister's headquarters, ends the central Esplanade, around which the district is organised. Val de SeinePlaine Saint-Denis (straddling the communes of Saint-Denis, Aubervilliers, and Saint-Ouen, immediately north of the 18th arrondissement, across the Périphérique ring road) is a former derelict manufacturing area that has undergone large-scale urban renewal in the last 10 years. It now hosts the Stade de France, around which is being built the new business district of LandyFrance, with two RER stations (on RER line B and D) and possibly some skyscrapers. In the Plaine Saint-Denis are also located most of France's television studios as well as some major movie studios. Val de Seine (straddling the 15th arrondissement and the communes of Issy-les-Moulineaux and Boulogne-Billancourt to the south-west of central Paris) is the new media hub of Paris and France, hosting the headquarters of most of France's TV networks (TF1 in Boulogne-Billancourt, France 2 in the 15th arrondissement, Canal+ and the international channels France 24 and Eurosport in Issy-les-Moulineaux), as well as several telecommunication and IT companies such as Neuf Cegetel in Boulogne-Billancourt or Microsoft's Europe, Africa & Middle East regional headquarters in Issy-les-Moulineaux.