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Russia Saint Isaac's Cathedral or Isaakievskiy Sobor in Saint Petersburg

Исаакиевский собор. Официальное название - Собор Преподобного Исаакия Далматского, крупнейший православный храм Санкт-Петербурга. Расположен на Исаакиевской площади. Имеет статус музея; зарегистрированная в июне 1991 года церковная община имеет возможность совершать богослужение по особым дням с разрешения дирекции музея. Освящён во имя преподобного Исаакия Далматского, почитаемого Петром I святого, так как император родился в день его памяти — 30 мая по юлианскому календарю. Построен в 1818-1858 годы по проекту архитектора Огюста Монферрана; строительство курировал император Николай I. Торжественное освящение 30 мая (11 июня) 1858 года нового кафедрального собора совершил митрополит Новгородский, Санкт-Петербургский, Эстляндский и Финляндский Григорий (Постников). Творение Монферрана - четвёртый по счёту храм в честь Исаакия Далматского, построенный в Санкт-Петербурге. Высота — 101,5 м, внутренняя площадь - более 4 000 м². Исаакиевская площадь - одна из центральных площадей Санкт-Петербурга, ограниченная Адмиралтейским проспектом с севера и Мариинским дворцом с юга; площадь пересекают Вознесенский проспект и Большая Морская улица, а также река Мойка. Основные доминанты площади - Мариинский дворец и Исаакиевский собор, отделяющий её от Сенатской площади. В центре площади установлен конный памятник императору Николаю I.


Saint Isaac's Cathedral or Isaakievskiy Sobor in Saint Petersburg, Russia is the largest Russian Orthodox cathedral (sobor) in the city. It is dedicated to Saint Isaac of Dalmatia, a patron saint of Peter the Great, who had been born on the feast day of that saint. The church on St Isaac's Square was ordered by Tsar Alexander I, to replace an earlier Rinaldiesque structure, and was the fourth consecutive church standing at this place. A specially appointed commission examined several designs, including that of the French-born architect Auguste de Montferrand (1786–1858), who had studied in the atelier of Napoleon's designer, Charles Percier. Montferrand's design was criticised by some members of the commission for the dry and allegedly boring rhythm of its four identical pedimented octastyle porticos. It was also suggested that despite gigantic dimensions, the edifice would look squat and not very impressive. The emperor, who favoured the ponderous Empire style of architecture, had to step in and solve the dispute in Montferrand's favour.

The cathedral took 40 years to construct, under Montferrand's direction, from 1818 to 1858. Under the Soviet government, the building was stripped of religious trappings. In 1931, it was turned into the Antireligious Museum, The dove sculpture was removed, and replaced by a Foucault pendulum. On April 12, 1931, the first public demonstration of the Foucault pendulum was held to visualize Copernicus’s theory. In 1937, the museum was transformed into the museum of the Cathedral, and former collections were transferred to the Museum of the History of Religion (located in the Kazan Cathedral). During World War II, the dome was painted over in gray to avoid attracting attention from enemy aircraft. On its top, in the skylight, a geodesical intersection point was placed, with the objective of aiding in the location of enemy cannon. With the fall of communism, the museum was removed and regular worship activity has resumed in the cathedral, but only in the left-hand side chapel. The main body of the cathedral is used for services on feast days only.